Saturday, August 20, 2011


Since school is about to start, I'm going to shelve Anti-Oedipus and Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari Intersecting Lives (no capital letters on the dust jacket) for now.  Anti-Oedipus was kind of a big deal when it first came out.  I've read just the first two sections.  They discuss schizophrenic individuals, although one wonders how the diagnoses would be different these days.  They talk about some use of medications at the Laborde Clinic, but things are so much different today in that regard.  An important idea in the book is the degree to which social/governmental/institutional factors influence behavior.  It is really hard to get used to the terminology they use, but probably worth it to get a picture of this point of view.  It is interesting to see how these authors, and the early Gestalt Psychologists bring in the ideas of philosophers.  Nietzsche comes up often in Anti-Oedipus.  Anyway, Felix Guattari and the people he worked with were important Healers around the 1960s in France.

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