Monday, August 1, 2011

Gestalt Psychology In Living Form

I am reading up on Gestalt Psychology for the Introduction to Healers and Feelings.  Here's an interesting fact about some of the founders.  Between 1880 and 1886, Drs. Kohler, Koffka and Wertheimer were born within 800 miles of each other in an array, north to south, from Tallinn, Estonia to Berlin, Germany, to Prague, Czechoslovakia.  They worked together and apart to learn how the form and relationship between objects and ideas makes a difference.  When Kohler died in 1967, in Enfield, NH, their places of death were aligned in the same way, within 300 miles in the eastern US.  Koffka died in Northampton, MA and Wertheimer in New Rochelle, NY.  Does anyone else think that this is remarkable?  I'd be happy to get comments that would point me towards important resources for Gestalt Psychology.

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